In the heart of San Diego, Aromi, a renowned Italian eatery, is embracing the spirit of Thanksgiving by teaming up with the Salvation Army for a special initiative. Set to kick off on November 23, 2023, Aromi is introducing a distinctive promotion, encouraging patrons...
In today’s highly competitive business landscape, getting your brand noticed can be a daunting task. Public relations (PR) remains a key tool for achieving recognition and credibility. At Formula Marketing, we take pride in our ability to leverage PR as one of...
In today’s digital age, it is absolutely crucial to ensure your business is optimized across various platforms to attract new customers and drive growth. Apple Maps and Siri, two popular features used worldwide, provide excellent opportunities for businesses to...
In April, a truly remarkable culinary event took place as four acclaimed restaurants—Greystone, Saltwater, Osteria Panevino, and The Butchers Cut—partnered with PRA Events to host an unforgettable dine around. This exclusive experience provided guests with an...
There San Diego has included on our newest restaurant La Pastaia in Bay Park! The culinary dreams of two Italian women have materialized in the form of La Pastaia, an exquisite Venetian-style Italian restaurant located in Bay Park. With a passion for authentic...
Formula Marketing, a leading San Diego digital marketing agency, has been prominently featured in the latest article published by La Jolla Magazine titled “San Diego PPC Agency Management.” The article highlights Formula Marketing’s expertise in...